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 Sewa Europe in Yoga Festival Helsinki 2024

The Sewa Europe team participated in the Yoga Festival Helsinki 2024 as an exhibitor. The event was held on March 2nd-3rd, 2024 at Kaapeli, the largest cultural centre in Finland. The theme of the festival was INSPIRATION, and the diversity and enthusiasm of the attendees, instructors, lecturers, and other exhibitors was exuberant.

The festival attracted about 4000 visitors, who were interested in various forms of yoga, meditation, mindfulness, pilates, and other wellness topics. Sewa Europe had the opportunity to introduce the Sewa Europe organisation, its mission and vision and showcase various projects taken under Yoga for Sewa initiative, interact with potential yoga instructors, volunteers and other professionals.

Some key objectives of Sewa Europe attending the Yoga Festival Helsinki 2024 as an exhibitor were to reach out to the targeted community, co-operations with other local voluntary organisations and assistance in the form of other logistical resources. There was quite a lot of interest about Sewa Europe and we could secure around 20 volunteer interests and registrations for the Yoga for Sewa initiative for the Finland chapter. Few visitors have shown interest and registered for involvement in broader initiatives ongoing in Sewa Europe.

Overall, the organisation and execution of the event was very satisfying. The staff and volunteers were friendly and helpful, the venue was spacious and comfortable, the atmosphere was positive and uplifting, and the feedback from the visitors was encouraging and constructive. We would definitely recommend the Yoga Festival Helsinki to anyone who is interested in yoga and wellness, and look forward to participating again next year.


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